In 2011 and 2012, Hugh McGuire and I co-edited and contributed chapters to Book: A…

In 2011 and 2012, Hugh McGuire and I co-edited and contributed chapters to Book: A…
A few months ago, Marc Andreesson wrote that he expects demand for news content will…
Business schools have long taught the “4 Ps” of marketing: price, product, promotion and place….
On Medium’s “Thoughts in journalism” channel, Hamish McKenzie contributed “Two sides to every story“, an…
In an earlier post I lamented publishing’s near-total silence after a court ruling overturned the U.S….
If you ask most book publishers what keeps them up at night, “Amazon” is sure…
Last month, Benjamin H. Bratton, an associate professor at the University of California’s San Diego…
Last month on, editor-in-chief James Bennet posted “Against ‘Long-Form Journalism’“. The online essay is…
Happy New Year! Being kind of data-driven, I thought we could start the year with…
Content marketing gives brands an opportunity to serve the media functions once owned by publishers….