I’ve been drafting a presentation on the current state of mobile reading (tentatively titled “Mobile reading comes of age”) for a presentation at an NFAIS workshop on mobile delivery of content. Along the way, I’ve come across a range of useful links that I thought I would summarize and share here.
Mobileread’s overview of the devices in the e-book space;
A selective overview of the e-book reader space, in this case from Wired;
An e-book reader matrix, with major vendor comparisons;
Before choosing an e-book, pondering the format, from the New York Times;
Persistence of book apps, from All Things Digital (nice charts!);
At the Nieman foundation, Mac Slocum explains how a McSweeney’s app points the way home;
And at Follow the Reader, Fran Toolan gushes (appropriately) about the Internet Archive’s really cool Bookserver project;
BusinessWeek tries to understand books and the web, and almost gets there;
Reading on the iPhone (Stanza, Kindle and Shortcovers compared);
“Brains, Books and the Future of Print”, a considered review that appeared in the Atlantic Monthly;
A two-minute survey of e-book consumption (caveat emptor);
The introduction of the Asus folding netbook, perhaps the leading entrant in this part of the mobile space;
And if we needed more proof, the Audit Bureau of Circulation is accepting e-book device manufacturers into the fold as members. Mobile reading comes of age.