Association Media & Publishing (formerly SNAP) is debuting a “lunch-and-learn” series in New York on March 11.
The first lunch features Michael Graif, Esq. of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP, whose session is titled “Know Your Rights: Copyright, Intellectual Property and Blogs.” The lunch is free for members of Association Media & Publishing, but you don’t have to be a member of to attend. Registration is open now.
Association Media & Publishing has hosted a successful, multi-year series of “lunch-and-learns” in the Washington, D.C. and Chicago markets. I’ve attended several of those sessions, including two given by Mr. Graif, whose insights on copyright have always been highly valued by those attending his discussions.
The lunches also give people involved in association publishing an opportunity to meet and talk for about a half hour before the program begins. The sessions are typically informal, allowing give-and-take. If you are involved in association publishing in the New York area, I strongly recommend this series.