In 2011 and 2012, Hugh McGuire and I co-edited and contributed chapters to Book: A…

In 2011 and 2012, Hugh McGuire and I co-edited and contributed chapters to Book: A…
In a post about ways that we can use publishing data, I briefly noted the…
Last August, Bowker announced that its Business Intelligence and Commerce Solution products would be sold to…
A few months ago, Marc Andreesson wrote that he expects demand for news content will…
In posts written earlier this week, I alluded to a couple of ways that publishers…
The expansion of digital content subscription services has prompted both insider and consumer-facing coverage of…
Over the course of the last two months, something akin to a food fight has…
Last Thursday, Tim O’Reilly announced that the company named after him is shutting down its…
I subscribe to a lot of magazines – almost 20, by a recent count. There…
Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Justice decided to sue several publishers and an…